If a milk gallon says, best buy, oct. 12, and its the 13th today, does that?!
Answers: mean that the milk expired? is it still ok to drink it? because, i did
I wouldn't worry about it too be honest, I have drink milk 5 - 10 Days after experation date many times and didn't get sick or anything, also if you are cooking with milk, I wouldn't worry if it smells a little funky and taste a bit different because I have cooked with it like that and my Recipe's have turned out fine. =]
The great thing about milk is that if it is sour it will smell and taste bad and also drinking sour milk does not make you sick. Unless just the taste and smell of it cause you to throw-up.
In reality, smell it - does it smell okay?? usually you can be safe for about a week - the dates are just to cover some asses...
If it was bad you would know-nothing tastes nastier. I'm curious how you think the dairy industry would be able to pinpoint the exact day that milk would turn.
don't buy it, but it's fine to drink it if it's that date. that's a SELL by date.
Typically depending on how cold it is..it can be good before it sours....within 7 days after the date...and trust me..if it was sour...you would definitely know.
you are fine milk its says best if bought by that date it usually has a few days after the date
but my husband is really picky about this he will not even drink it if its the day before the date
You can drink the milk 2 days after expiration, AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT SMELL SOUR OR OUT OF THE ORDINARY.
If it smelled good it was fine, bad milk tells on it self, by smell and odor. Most dairy products will keep up to a week after the best buy date if they have been refrigerated well.
OK look.....the milk is good for up to a week past the expiration date on the container. If it tastes or smells rancid though, toss it!
if it says best buy then there is still like a week before it is bad. Also if milk is expired you will feel it and wont take but a sip!