What is the difference between apple cider, and apple juice?!
Answers: Besides the obvious difference of juice and cider, what makes them different? And which do you like more?
I'm wondering whether this is one of those cases where the term depends on where you come from. Here is the US, cider is definitely NOT always alcoholic (cider that is alcoholic is always labeled "hard cider"). And spiced cider is only one kind of cider; most cider is not. My son's preschool class used to do a cider pressing every year, when everyone brought in apples, they rented a big machine, and the whole class got to help press the apples and drink the cider. Apples were absolutely the only thing that went into it (no fermentation, no alcohol, no spices) and it was unbelievably good!
It does seem to me that what is labeled "cider" in the supermarket tends to be less filtered, and therefore looks cloudier, than what is labeled "juice". To me, good cider tastes more like fresh apples than juice does, but you have to find a good--preferably not pasteurized--brand, and the only way to tell is by tasting. :)
juice. i like it better, it is sweeter, and cider is somewhat fermented,
cider has more spices juice is just juice
The spices of the cider make it different and the fact that it's really good warm and with alcohol. I like cider better.
juice is sweeter than cider..cider has more spices
Fermentation !!!
cider is alcoholic juice is not
apple cider is alcoholic surely?!
apple cider and apple juice are made of the same contents but apple juice is of richer contents ..and i rather the apple....
apple cider is apple juice that has been fermented and becomes acidic and alcoholic
apple juice is apple juice
apple juice is more palatable but apple cider is supposed to have beneficial properties - killing germs , burning fat , speeding up metabolism
if you mix the juice and the cider and add a wee bit of honey it tastes okay
the warm cider with cinnamin is nice in fall in small quantities ... it is so sweet it's really for sipping . one little cup and year is plenty. nice to see it come and go lol
juice is cold / watered down
there is a common misconception that all cider is alcoholic, that is not so.
Apple juice is filtered, unless otherwise stated on label, and is sometimes sweetened, sometimes not.
Cider has cinnamon, cloves, spices such as that. The cider that is alcoholic is either homemade, or must be labeled as such. Yes it is slightly, not enough to make it alcoholic, fermented.
I'll drink cider but prefer to just eat an apple. Cider is not strained and is only pasteurized. Juice is strained and pasteurized and processed in another way.
OMG!!!!! i just asked that question at this restaurant this morning. Cool! Anyways, let me say this in words that are like not boring and easier to understand. Apple cyder is more natural and not juice. It has more of apple in it then apple juice. And apple juice has less juice than apple cyder. I know, its called apple JUICE and the cyder has actually more juice. Weird huh. So im not sure if apple cyder is more healthier, but I think it is. see ya later!
Peace and luv <3,
apple cider has spices and it is usually served hot. Apple juice is just the juice out of an apple. I like apple juice better because i don't like warm beverages.