XS or Red Bull and why?!
Answers: I personally like XS because it does not taste nasty like red bull. 0carbs, 0sugar and 8 cal. you can't go wrong there.
I like XS because of everything you said there plus it has like 12 flavors and some are caff. free. You get your energy from B12 not sugar. I buy Xs from my co-workers site.
Red bull sucks azz! I actually fell aseep after i drunk it..havent tried XS though! But now its on my top to do list!
Anything BUT red bull...
I mean .. isn`t the term "bull" sometimes used for 'nonsense' ?
Enough said ;)
red bull.....it gives you wiiiings!
Redbull sucks , once when i had it i fell right asleep after i finished the can . and i tastes bad!
I never had XS but ill try it sometime