What is evaporated milk?!
Answers: If it's "evaporated" - why is there anything in the can. I mean - I know that sounds stupid - but I really don't get it (science is not my forte') Can somebody explain?
It's *partially* evaporated.
Evaporated milk actually has more than water removed. It has fat removed as well.
Popular brands are Jer-zee and Carnation. I *think* Jer-zee invented evaporated milk. Evaporated milk is also known as "canned milk".
Condensed milk is something else. It was developed by Borden as a way to add cream and sugar to coffee, where refrigeration was not available, and his only big customer at first was the US Army. Between WWI and WWII, it was promoted for use in home kitchens as a dessert, just waiting to be made.
Evaporated milk is used by some as a milk that doesn't need refrigeration, but you really have to be desperate to use it that way. It works well in making mashed potatoes, though.
Evaporated milk is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60% of the water removed from fresh milk. In the U.S., it is not sweetened.
Isn't evaporated milk also called "condensed milk"? "Condensation is the change in matter of a substance to a denser phase..." - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condense
Density is "the amount per unit size". wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
Evaporated milk is denser than non-evaporated milk because some of the water has been removed.
De milk which has run outta me hands; without my consumption of it; be da evaporated one!!!!