Why do the ice cubes in McDonalds iced coffees last so long?!
Answers: I've bought one before work and still had ice 6 hours later. The ice cubes in the cokes do not last this long. Why?
Because they're deep freeze cooled after the water is treated.
they are plastic [ lol ]
They probably put special chemicals or something in them.
because they fried it lololol
Maybe their coffee is too cold lol.
it was magic
Probably there are chemicals in them to last longer and be colder to increase the "goodness" of your drink
Because the coke from fountains' is usually room tempature while the ice coffee is cooled before the big cubes go in.
The cubes are stored deep inside the bowels of Grimace's gut.
you might think that they last longer, but i think it's because they actually add more ice to the iced coffee than they do to the soft drinks, so more ice means it lasts longer
Maybe where you had your drink sitting that day it was cool enough to keep the ice cubes from melting. Other than that, I have no explanation because I've only experienced the OPPOSITE - melting ice cubes and watered down coffee! I've even thought about telling them NOT to put ice cubes in it so I wouldn't have watered down coffee within a few minutes!!
Contrary to what the other poster said, they put hot, NOT COLD coffee into the iced coffee drink when they make it, then they rely on the ice to cool it down!
McDonalds puts chemicals in their ice to enhance the lasting time of their drinks.
This is done in order for you to get the full potential and it gets you addicted alot faster, too.