Iced cappuccino is there such a thing? Support your answer please yes or no is not a answer?!
An essential ingredient of Cappuccino is a shot of Espresso. This has to be made hot... you cannot make a proper espresso cold.
Another essential ingredient of Cappuccino is HOT milk.
Then there is the foam. This, when done properly, is steamed milk which is made by forcing HOT STEAM through the milk.
Finally, cappuccinos are traditionally served in china or porcelain cups to help keep their temperature up.
I guess you could leave the espresso to go cold or chill it, and I guess you could break with definition and use cold milk and then either let the foam cool or use some other topping, or even worse use some chemical as found in those vile instant cappucinno sachets... but if you did all this you cannot in all honesty call the resulting drink a cappuccino. I'm not denying you may have a nice creamy style iced coffee, as long as you don't use those chamicals for the froth... but I would argue that too much has been changed for it to truly be a cappuccino anymore.
Answers: I would say no.
An essential ingredient of Cappuccino is a shot of Espresso. This has to be made hot... you cannot make a proper espresso cold.
Another essential ingredient of Cappuccino is HOT milk.
Then there is the foam. This, when done properly, is steamed milk which is made by forcing HOT STEAM through the milk.
Finally, cappuccinos are traditionally served in china or porcelain cups to help keep their temperature up.
I guess you could leave the espresso to go cold or chill it, and I guess you could break with definition and use cold milk and then either let the foam cool or use some other topping, or even worse use some chemical as found in those vile instant cappucinno sachets... but if you did all this you cannot in all honesty call the resulting drink a cappuccino. I'm not denying you may have a nice creamy style iced coffee, as long as you don't use those chamicals for the froth... but I would argue that too much has been changed for it to truly be a cappuccino anymore.
Yes, iced milk will make a cappucino.
Delicious on a hot summers day.
Technically yes.
But really no.
A cappuccino is (traditionally) 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam (foamed milk), so the foam is hot, you can ice espresso and milk but not foam.. I mean you could put hot foam on it but.. yuck! Usually you'll just get an iced latte, espresso and milk with ice.
iced cappuccino is here in macau....i learned to do it anyway..whether it's cold or hot,want to taste?come to macau & i will do it for you,hot cappuccino coffee or iced?
A cappuccino is shots of espresso, steamed milk and foam from the top of the steamed milk, so the foam is hot. You can get an iced latted, but not an iced cappuccino.