Why do i get horrible gut/stomachaches if i drink cow OR soy milk?? :(?!
the stomachaches always happen 2ish hours after drinking, and the most horrible pains last around 2 hours before they stop. with soymilk, i don't get diahhrea, it just hurts and i can feel objects moving back and forth inside. i thought it was lactose intolerance but soymilk doesn't have lactose so wth? plus i know its not caused by any flavouring i used in the drink, because today i had a london fog without vanilla (just earl grey tea, mixed with 1/2 hot water and 1/2 soymilk) and still i got stomachaches.
Answers: i work at a coffee shop so occasionally i'll drink a latte with milk. sometimes i substitute soy instead. with both the milk and soymilk, i feel like rocks are being shunted back and forth from one end of my intestine to the other. With milk, i get diahhrea and my gut hurts so much i literally want to die and become totally weak, sweaty, pale and jellyish. it's this dull pain that starts out in your stomach/gut area and weakens your whole body and makes you break out in sweats.
the stomachaches always happen 2ish hours after drinking, and the most horrible pains last around 2 hours before they stop. with soymilk, i don't get diahhrea, it just hurts and i can feel objects moving back and forth inside. i thought it was lactose intolerance but soymilk doesn't have lactose so wth? plus i know its not caused by any flavouring i used in the drink, because today i had a london fog without vanilla (just earl grey tea, mixed with 1/2 hot water and 1/2 soymilk) and still i got stomachaches.
I've had this problem start about a dozen years ago and I still am dealing with it. Milk was my favourite beverage. Then I started to get the symptoms you described, so I went to an allergy specialist for testing. It came out negative, so I thought it was lactose intolerance. The drugstore pills helped for awhile, but became ineffective. To escape unflattering and painful experiences I totally stopped all milk products--cheese, butter, yogurt, cream, ice cream, etc. And that has helped immensely. I tried soya products, but I got the same symptoms. My doctor advised me to cut back on the liquid soya, which I do. Some people can have an allergy to this also, especially if milk causes a problem. Solids are fine--bean curds, desserts, and I like to drink almond juice instead. Sure I miss an ice cold glass of milk with some home-made cookies, but I am actually healthier now. And I feel tons better.
digestion of milk/soy milk releases a lot of gas.
well u aint lactose intolerent cause it happens with soy too but either soy or regular milk both go terrible with spicy things and do that but i dunno try not drinking milk with your coffee
you could be lactose intolerant....... : S
It is possible that the diarrhrea you get when you drink cow's milk is due to a lactose intolerence. I suggest you see a doctor. However; with the soy milk It might be the carageenan added to a lot of soymilks. Try a carageenan free soymilk.
You likely have food allergies to both dairy and soy products. Try using rice or almond milk...they taste really good
First thing I would do is stop drinking them if it gives you that much pain and make an appointment with your Doctor.
Some people have a natural aversion to cow and soy products. People who are sensitive to dairy are called lactose intolerant. It is becoming well known that soy products are hard for many people to digest. Try goat, rice or almond milk instead (I like almond).