Describe your passion for coffee.?!
Answers: Daily inspiration necessary for the proper motivation and energy required to complete the mundane eight hour work day, five days per week.
I hate it.
It is probably the greatest drink ever made.
i can't do without it
its yummy hot or cold espicially with splenda and mcdonalds vanilla ice coffee is da best!!!!
I'm addicted. If I don't drink coffee in the morning I just don't function properly.
I love it! I love every little bit of the different colors, smell, taste, tempature mmmm- thanks, now I want a cup!
It is a delicious hot beverage, especially when it's flavored!
I hate coffee with a passion. Does that count? I hate the smell, the look, the taste. I hate that people rely on it like it's something they can't live without. Spare's all in your head.
If it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever. ~David Letterman
I concur :)