Why are people always saying a cup of coffee costs $4.50 at Starbucks?!
Answers: A cup of coffee at Starbucks doesn't cost $4.50. It costs $1.85 or less..
Those same people order the fancy drinks which can run upwards to 5 dollars...the cappicinos, fraps, lattes, etc. They might be conditioned to call those drinks "coffee". They might see a regular coffee black as dirty water.
yeah it does, it depends on the coffee tho and how many ppl u r buying it for
You are correct but most Starbucks customers do not drink coffee, they drink the specialty coffee drinks which are 3 or 4 bucks.
As far as coffee shops go, Starbucks are near the top in brewing a great tasting old fashion coffee for under $2.
At least in Canada its under 2, not sure about US.
I agree. And they brew a damn good cup.
I think they added in donuts or something here it is $2.49 extra for the whipped and caramel etc.... maine USA!
I had my very first Starbuck's coffee this past weekend. It cost under $2. I wasn't impressed though. Maybe I just hit it at the wrong time but it tasted burnt and bitter. My 15 year old daughter loves the "coffee drinks" there and those do cost around 4.50. I refuse to buy her those! Too expensive and loaded with calories!!! I still prefer Dunkin's coffee.
come on????
the prices go from 1.85 to over $5 depending what you order
A white chocolate mocha is over $4!!
same as Iced White Chocolate Mocha and a Frappe just as examples
when the real price of a cup of coffee is 2 cents per cup...
Starbucks exploits the poor people in Kenya paying them an undercalue for their coffee beans, just read that!
Most folks dont go to Starbucks for a cup of regular black coffee.
I know that the last time I was in a town that had a Starbucks (an hour away...i know hard to believe LOL) I got a carmel/mocha cappuchino grande and it was fairly expensive. I dont recall the exact cost but it was up there close to $4.50 or so. I think that is difference here.
Because when people say that they never have been there or they are just talking about the average price of a drink at Starbucks. Man a Mocha Coconut Frap sounds great right now!
which starbucks do you go to?
Starbucks coffee cost about $4.50 for a good size.
a small sized cocoa aint coffee
actually in canada that is how much it costs,... for a medium or grande whatever, I don't think they're free trade either
thats the price of a large frappaccino here. but that is too much for me. I normally drink a small frappaccino. my fav is the orange mocha. mmm...think I'll get one in the morning.
Coffee at Starbucks is cheap...it's the "fancy" stuff that's expensive - like the flavored mochas or frappucinos
It's called exaggerating! That's about the price of a venti latte, which still looks like a cup of coffee to some people. The only time I was able to travel in Europe, we would often get a latte when asking for coffee. It just occurred to me that when I was trying to say "coffee" in German, maybe it sounded more like "latte" in English. Hmmm, explains a few things......
Starbucks coffee, per ounce, is cheaper than dunkin donuts. Most people get the lattes or frapps, which are also comparable in price. Alot of people don't enjoy S-bux coffee, as the roast there beens about 25% longer than there competitors. Some people cant hack with the real stuff.