Do you like Pomegranate juice?!
Answers: IT doesnt have the best taste, but the health benefits are wonderful! My old coworker and I used to keep it at work and take a shot of it every morning, to get the day off to a good start. (I think I may start doing that again).
yes and it is very good for you too.
I love it, I love pomegranates.
It's okay. It's a little too strong relative to grape juice, but it's supposed to be very healthy, so I've been drinking it.
Yes.Lots of antioxidents in it.
not too bad.
Put some pomegranate juice in with some sweet tea or lemonade and shake it up! its awesome.
No, I don't like to drink it by itself. I do like it in a cocktail though.
Yes I DO. However, I'm not willing to pay the prices that they charge for a bottle of Pom I go without....
Pomegranate Juice works better as a mixer for fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies, or as a topping for dessert. It's flavor is distinctly sweet, tart, but also brine-like and bitter.
Pure pomegranate juice is very good for you though, especially men.
The POM brand it the best.
Love it! Good for you also.
Can't say, never tried it.
I prefer fresh pomegranates but yes I do like pom juice
Not entirely
never had it, one day I will try some.
I love it.. but it is hard to find and expensive
yes I do like Pomegranate juice. In fact, I love it....Do you?
I can't find it where I live, closest we can get is cranberry/pomegranate juice. It is great! The 2 compliment each other. I think by itself it is probably kind of sweet in taste.
Yes, it's much easier than trying to eat a Pomegranate!