Is it bad for you to reuse loose leaf tea? If it is, why?!
Answers: Someone said to me that after steeping tea leaves in boiling water & then leaving it sitting there for an hour or so, and then coming & re-brewing with the same leaves, the chemical make-up of the tea leaf changes. Is this true or completely wrong?
well, the tea you brew will be weaker, maybe more acidic, but it hasn't changed to a poison or anything.
but it is important to not let the tea leaves stay damp for hours and hours, whihc will encourage mold.
I'm not sure if the chemical make-up changes, but depending on the tea the flavor will go away. In general, loose leaf tea brewed in a strainer or tea bag is probably good for 1-2 infusions. Beyond that, you'll want to use new leaves for optimal flavor.
Tea is very cheap. I never reuse the leaves. But I really doubt if there's any chemical change in the leaves after sitting for an hour or so. You'll just get weaker tea with less flavor.