Name breakfast drinks, Hot / cold that one may have for breakfast.?!
Catering for our elderly,through to children.
Answers: Name breakfast drinks, one may serve for breakfast,that you'd like to see served in a breakfast place, Has to be proper nothing to high energy. Name/Mixture... Please! Has to be proper to serve in high restaurant. Thanks for your ideas!
Catering for our elderly,through to children.
Freshly squeezed orange juice
Cranberry juice
Tomato juice
Pink grapefruit juice
Peets Brand coffee
Regular and decaf
Hot chocolate, add marshmallows for kids
Hot tea, decaf, peppermint, green, black; any brand, just a varied selection
Milk, fat free & 1%
Glacier Vitamin water
juices - fruit and veg
milks - soy
hot chocolate
Apple, orange, grapefruit or tomato juice, coffee, tea, milk (regular or chocolate), hot chocolate, iced tea, apple cider... that's all I've got for now.
hot chocolate!
Orange Juice.
Decorative baskets with teas and hot chocolate packets are self serve when you have caraffes of hot water available. Make sure to have the blue stuff , yellow stuff and pink stuff as well as sugar available.
Mimosas= Champagne and Orange Juice.
Tea, coffee, orange juice, hot cocoa, milk, water, any kind of juice, maybe soda.
coffee, juices, water, hot cocoa, milk
coca tea
works great!
Jasmine tea always gets me up, or green tea. Peppermint is good, too. Iced peppermint tea would be nice on a hot day. Don't serve cammomile though! Oh, and fruit juice of course, but must be of the freshly squeezed variety; concentrated doesn't cut it!