Does drinking coffee stimulate your mind?!;...
Answers: Please answer this too...;...
You'll be pleased to know that I answered your other Question, too.
As for coffee: caffeine is a stimulant, we all know that. Whether it increases mental alertness is difficult to measure.
The fact that it "wakes up" your entire system means that by default, your brain is more wide awake, too. But it's unknown whether your powers of concentration, memory recall, and other functions are improved or increased.
For me, it seems like a jolt of caffeine---in the form of hot coffee---is the only thing that will effectively "jump start" my brain in the morning. But I know it's a combination of things: my body waking up (along with my brain), the temperature of the coffee, and the "idea" that the caffeine will make me more awake.
i think it does
It can give you a bloody headache if you drink too much.
caffiene is a drug, it will stimulate your mind,
yes caffine is a drug also
Would not solve ur problems!
Yes it does. Known to make you smart too . But scientist will change their mind on that one too. give em time.
Caffeine acts as a stimulant to your brain in whatever form you consume it (ie. coffee).
It gives us energy as well as keep us awake.
SO guess brain is more active.
if you drink 80 cup you will die direct
Very temporarily, coffee does give the brain a boost of activity. The problem with this lies in the tolerance and later dependence for the brain to be jolted awake, rather than relying on nutrition and activity. It's the price you have to pay.
It's better to rely on pure and whole foods like water and milk and allow exercise to boost your energy levels for the day.
sorry cant drink coffee it make me ill
coffee is a caffeine based drink so i can help stimulate your mind but too much is bad for you it can mess up your sleep pattern and make you one edge all the time so don't drink gallons of coffee and expect to be okay
Yes It does.However in my opinion a cold coffee with ice- cream is a better way to stimulate your mind.
Stimulates brain: yes.
Stimulates body, muscles: no.
Wakes me up every morning...even on Mondays..Happy Monday. have caffiene which stimulate brain center s and makes false feeling of being fresh and active for some time. Its stimulates brain thats why its causes dependence.