If you had a choice between a soft drink with pure sugar or high fructose corn syrup, which would you choose?!
Answers: and why?
Definitely sugar. HFCS inhibits the metabolism of sugar so it's doubly bad for you. The reason companies use high fructose corn syrup is because it's cheaper than refined sugar. Profit maximization is the name of the game, not health and longevity :(
sugar. in the us they use corn syrup but in south America they use sugar in coke the sugar tastes better
Pure sugar. High fructose corn syrup apparently causes a sharper rise, then fall in blood sugar.
There is a company called GUS (Grown Up Soda) that uses real sugar, but half the amount used in conventional sodas.
Check out drinkgus.com.
some people are soft drink junkies, and that's unhealthy
their choice might be different from mine. I drink an avarage of 1 soft drink a month. So I'm not addicted or dont get an overabundance of it in my system. So when I drink a soft drink it is for the pure enjoyment, and the helth of the product is not an issue for me. So I do it for taste and no other reason.
So I want it made the way it's made. cause when I wanna do something bad for myself, I at least wanna enjoy it
sugar sugar!
Jones! Tastes better and better for you. (Oh, that's the only pure cane sugar soda I have found in our area.)
sugar..as simple as that.!!