If black tea has half as much caffeine as coffee how come I only get a caffeine rush from coffee?!
Answers: I can drink as many cups of tea as I want...but it does not energize me nearly as much as even one cup of coffee. How come?
Our mind and body are one. So if you are telling yourself, "the caffeine in tea will not make me energized"..then it won't. You would be very surprised at how suggestible we are, even with ourselves.
If you want good tea with caffeine content, try yerba mate. It is a great source of natural energy.
Try www.customleaf.com
tea has tannin, not so much caffeine
Because you're gettin twice as much caffein with coffee. Makes sense to me.
coffee has more natural sources than tea
If you need energy, sleep. Caffeine isn't good for you.
it has other items in it besides caffeine and they might affect you differently then coffee. some teas are used for soothing and relaxation
Your answer is in your question! Tea has 1/2 the amount of caffeine than coffee, therefore coffee has more caffeine, more caffeine = more energy. : )
because it has HALF AS MUCH caffeine, not twice as much...simple
do you drink the tea slower?
or is it all mental?
You answered your own question, black tea has very small amount caffeine plus the tea has a calming affect not a rush.
WHO said tea has only got half as much caffeine? Do some research.
It may depend on what you are putting in your coffee versus your tea. Added sugar along with the coffee, which has chemicals that send pleasure endorphins not unlike that of cocaine, will give you a higher initial buzz with a harder crash at the end whereas tea, just has the caffiene without those pleasure enhancers.