What can I use as a substitute for a coffee filter?!
Answers: I just went to make coffee, and found out I have no coffee filters. Is there anything I can make do with?
Paper towel, works great.
Just to let you know however, make sure that the paper towel does not hang out of the basket. Snip the sides with scissors once you put it in the basket. The reason I say this is because as the water drips into the basket it will wick up the paper towel and if it's hanging out it will drip all over your counter.
Paper towel, I do it all the time.
toilet paper?
clean tights. Kitchen roll can work but it has to be good stuff.
I hate it when that happens!!!
Tissues or paper towel
A clean bra or pair of panties.
Maybe a regular strainer that has smaller holes. You will have grounds in the bottom of your cup but at least you still get the coffee. you could always use a clean towel too.
A good strong paper towell~~
u can use cotton cloth.
i re use the old filter just rinse it off be careful thou it will tear easy but it works
Paper towel
definitely a paper towel,cut it like a filter so it fits in the basket.
Cheese cloth
paper towels will do in a pinch--a word of advice: buy a permanent filter, then you don't have to worry about running out.