What does Fresca taste like?!
Answers: is it like sprite? I've heard it's amazing, shame it's not available here though
diet 7-Up mixed w/ a hint of grapefruit juice
it taste like fruity sprite but not so sweet its really refeshing!
it's kind of like sprite but they have other flavors too like raspberry and also peach. they're all clear like sprite. very good on its own or mixed with juice or vodka for a low calorie cocktail!
Way back when, before they made it diet, it was nice and refreshing. The diet version leaves a nasty after taste (like tin) in your mouth, Yuck
Fresca is grapefruit flavored I know that doesnt sound good but it is. It is a refreshing soft drink. I like it but have not had it in a long time
slightly sour 7-up
Are you taking any prescription medications? Fresca contains grapefruit juice, and grapefruit juice reacts BADLY with some medications. Makes them less effective than they usually are; a few it just cancels them out completely.
If you are taking prescribed medicine, it's probably best to lay off the Fresca.
Last Fresca I had was about 1964-65...Tasted like someone put black pepper in a grapefruit drink...Bleeeck...
It tastes like Fresca. It does. Do you ever get out of that one horse town?