Is it actually safe to drink tap water from the sink?!
To be doubly sure, you can filter your water with a filter pitcher or a faucet filter, which is a lot less expensive than buying bottled water.
Answers: In the US, it should be. Local water districts have to test their water for bacteria and contamination to make sure they are at acceptable levels. Bottled water is not required to be tested, and it usually has higher levels of contaminants than tap water.
To be doubly sure, you can filter your water with a filter pitcher or a faucet filter, which is a lot less expensive than buying bottled water.
Sure, why not?
Tap water can range from as clean as from a bottle to barely tolerable, depending where you live and how good your municipal water is, but usually it's just fine.
of course it is!!! who told you that it wasn't?
it is in this country....oz....some say its better than bottle water...i drink it all the time and leave the bottle water to the yuppys........seamanab
i live in london i always drink tap water. i laugh at friends who spend lots of cash on bottled water when they can get the same product for next to nothing.
Well, the tap water in Las Vegas, Nevada taste terrible. So I drink filtered water and mineral water.
No, it's not. Try to drink purified water. It's better for you, and in tap water you never know whats in it. I suggest you drink purified, or else you can get sick. It's a proven fact.
Of coarse!
Tap water here in the US is filtered, and is meant for drinking,
Just don't drink the water in Mexico
Yes,it is safe to drink tap water from the sink!
Tap water is actually better than bottled water. Tap water in the US goes through lots of cleaning, sometimes more than spring water. The only reason why people prefer bottled water to tap is because chlorine is put into the tap water, giving it an icky taste. The chlorine added to kill and bacteria the cleaning process may have missed. In the US, they are really careful not to let contaminated water into homes.