Anbody Else wonder this?!
Answers: Why is it ok to stir a cup of tea before stirring coffee without rising the spoon? But people go Crazy if you stir there tea with a spoon just used for coffee? Understand?
All I know is that I love tea and hate coffeee and if someone stirred my tea after using the same spoon for the coffeee, I would be able to taste the coffee flavor. Yet, it still isn't something I would consider going "crazy" over:)
Coffee will have a stronger flavour than the tea and will affect its taste. Tea wont do that to coffee
the flavor of coffee is stronger
Because it makes the tea taste like coffee.
its should lick it in between give them something to complain about
Coffee has a really strong taste so you can probably taste it in the tea. Tea has a mild taste so if a little bit is put in the coffee you wouldn't taste it
Since tea is mostly made of water so it wouldn't change the texture of coffee, plus it has a gentler taste that you wouldn't feel. Coffee has stronger taste and it's made of grains and (sometimes) milk, it could ruin your tea.
I never knew there was a perceived difference............ All spoons should be rinsed before using them for something else.