What do you like best bottled water or tap water?!
Answers: bottled water is best
Volvic Non Flavoured Water
Tap Water Can Taste Funny Sometimes ;/
Tap water
Whoever invented bottled water must be very rich.
Bottled when I am out. But the soft tap water have at home tastes great.
Tap water every time.
Bottled, but if you leave the tap to run for a while it's t same.
What,s the difference.
Bottled definately :) I like sparkling bottled water to x
object to paying for bottled water tap is fine its good water here
Bottled water for sure, in my opinion its fresher & tastes better than the tap water we get in this city.
Tap water - its cheaper!
bottled , perfectly clear flavoured fizzy water, gans nice in voddie!
But Weardale watter is some of the best int world hinnie!
bottled water
Tap water
Tap is fine with me I drink it all the time.
Bottled water has to be spring water.
aquafina bottled water
I dont really have a preference but i always have tap water...i dont bother buying bottled water as i dont notice a difference. I guess in some places the tap water can taste a bit funny but water is water to me!
sparkling water with a hint of lemon & lime
the only water bottle i drink would aquafina and nyc tap water and dat is it
Tap water. We have a well.
bottled water is an ecological abomination - waste of plastic, waste of money, waste of fuel transporting it around the world. tap water is the only way.
Tap water.
tap water even if it contains impurities.
Either really.
tap water is great if you live in Yorkshire but if you live in a hard water area such as London forget it. people say that the water in London goes through your body three times yuk
Bottled water like volvic and smartwater. Aquafina is tap water that has gone through a filteration process.
I like bottled water, but I don't mind drinking tab from home.
In some cases there is no difference. Recently, the Coca-Cola Company was caught using tap water to fill their Aquifina bottles. I couldn't tell you, because most of the time, I don't even know what I'm drinking!
I've heard that boiled filtered tap water left to cool is best :)
We use to take sandwiches and a bottle of tap water put we called it cooperation pop.