Do kids drink energy drinks?!
Answers: It says right on the label that kids shouldn't be drinking them, but I suspect no one reads these warnings.
Kids do, and will. The fact of the matter is that most adolescents will ignore "warning" labels especially with a desired product or something that is considered "in".
Should they? No, nobody should be drinking them really, but coffee for children isn't much better.
You bet your sweet bippy them yung-uns drink dem there things!
I suspect the same....
There was a news story recently on about how energy drinks were taken out of the soda machines at a high school because kids were having heart problems after consuming a lot of them.
I KNOW people aren't reading the warnings if this is happening in schools!
i would not let my kids drink an energy drink or mountain dew. I stress over coke. But my kids are 7 and 5. That's way to much caffeine for a kid. I not sure what age i would feel right to let them drink that kind of stuff.