Refused to sell me espresso, what to do?!

Question: I remember going to a coffee shop (which I will not name) and I ordered like 10 shots of espresso, plain espresso. They said that they thought 10 shots was a little excessive and I shouldn't be drinking that much at one time.

I told them they didn't know what they were talking about and ordered a mocha latte with just 2 shots...

Answers: I remember going to a coffee shop (which I will not name) and I ordered like 10 shots of espresso, plain espresso. They said that they thought 10 shots was a little excessive and I shouldn't be drinking that much at one time.

I told them they didn't know what they were talking about and ordered a mocha latte with just 2 shots...

I have been in a sorta similar situation. A couple months ago a drunk guy came into my coffee shop with his sober friend and ordered 8 shots of espresso. I refused to sell it to him, which of course he got mad, so I had to get my manager and we almost had to call the cops on him. I knew that alcohol topped off with 8 shots was going to do serious damage to that guy.
However, you weren't drunk, so they guy technically shouldn't have refused you service, BUT, he was right 10 shots is really, really excessive and potent.
For someone that doesn't have a high tolerance for caffeine, or doesn't drink coffee very much, 10 shots is going to drastically raise their heart rate and worst case scenario, send them into a coma.
1 shot has about as much caffeine as a 12oz cup of coffee.

I wouldn't have bought anything from them if they refused to sell me what I ordered in the first place.

don't go back to Charbuck's ever again! you don't want to drink their espresso (if you can call it that) anyway.

Go some place else where they will sell you the 10 shots :)

Caffeine will speed up your heart rate. Anything more that three shots in one hour is considered dangerous and can trigger a heart attack. 10 shots is outrageous and any cafe willing to serve someone 10 shots should be charged with negligence.

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