Green tea preparation?!

Question: how can i make a green tea ?can i use a boiler water? and how many times can i use a soup of tea for more than tea preperation?

Answers: how can i make a green tea ?can i use a boiler water? and how many times can i use a soup of tea for more than tea preperation?

I have found that you use a teaspoon of loose green tea and steep it for about 2-3 min. That makes it plenty strong for me. I am able to get 3 cups out of that teaspoon.

I have a great selection of teas and tea accessories at Teaporia. There are also recipes and tips posted.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but I'm an expert on making things with green tea so if you give me some more info I'll try to help...

use 1 Tablespoon for every 6 oz of 185F degree water.

GREEN- Green tea is made from the unfermented leaves of the camellia sinesis plant. Green tea leaves are withered, fried, rolled, and dried to produce their unique taste. Green tea tastes similar to white tea (sun-sweetened leaves) but a bit more robust. Green tea has a moderate amount of caffeine and anti-oxidants. Green tea is delicious hot or cold. To brew: Bring water to 160 degrees F and steep for 1-3 minutes.

Yes, it is best to prepare with boiled and hot water.

I just like to drink green tea itself.

For benefits of green tea,


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