We have these ingredients, what kind of smoothie can we make?!

Question: bananas, frozen mixed berries, honey, milk, suger, ice, no yogurt! what can we make? we need enough for 2 goos size smoothies. thanks a bunch!

Answers: bananas, frozen mixed berries, honey, milk, suger, ice, no yogurt! what can we make? we need enough for 2 goos size smoothies. thanks a bunch!

You've got all the ingredients. Dump them all into a blender and enjoy the end result.

put everything in a blender and drink it

mix well and thats all you need

take the mixed berries, bananna, sugar, ice and some milk

you can make one with the milk sugar ice and fruit. . . leave the honey out. Start by mixing up the milk and ice in a blender. Then add sugar and fruit.

you kinda need yogurt... but mix ice, milk, bananas, berries and sugar (not too much)
but i suggest you to go and buy yogurt, its pertty much the main ingredient
good luck! i love smoothies :)

mixed fruit smoothie...or just chuck everything in and see what you come up with..

Ah, a fruit Smoothie...put it all in there, perhaps a cup of milk only, a tablespoon of sugar perhaps, Ice you've got to see for yourself if it'd work well with the others, the more you put in there, the more milk you probably need...

A dahkery banana berry honey smoothie

yeah mix it all and drink it

You could make a banana,mixed berry smoothy big enough for 2 if you put in enough milk .

if u have an egg and some oj u got an orange julius with berrys

whatever substances you put in a blender, if it comes out relatively thick and smooth, then it's a smoothie. What kind? A
bananas, mixed berries smoothie.

mixed berries smoothie: normally you name the smoothie by the kind of berry you use eg strawberry smoothie, ......

???? ?? ??????? ???

You already have the ingredients to make what I'm assuming is either a blueberry banana, strawberry banana, or cranberry banana smoothie. Try using more banana to make up for the yogurt you don't have an add lemon to cut the sweetness

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