Red Bull energy drink: What does one do for you?!

Question: What does one (1) Red Bull energy drink do for you? Good?
Neutral? Other?

Answers: What does one (1) Red Bull energy drink do for you? Good?
Neutral? Other?

Red bull gives a nice little kick but I think cause its so concentrated it usually makes me feel a little sick.

I drink full throttle energy drink though and that gives a kick like a mule - you can actually feel your heart speeding up.

It gives me heartburn and well, makes me piss allot


Its got taurine in which is a derivative of bull testostorone, thus it is banned in France. I find it speeds my heart rate up and I don't like this feeling

it is stinky

One doesnt do a whole lot, but two is awesome. It helps keep me awake for those long overnight shifts.

I love it, but it actually does nothing for me. My boyfriend turned me onto this energy drink called Cocaine. It comes in a red can and only on the first sip, it burns your throat. It's odd, actually. I love it though, but it's hard to find.

apparently, it gives you wings.

supposively gives you wings but i have to drink 2 to get some energy!
i also love the new drink is hard to find though, i cant find it where i live

It's sugar and caffeine, later you will crash and feel terrible.

red bull energy drink does nothing for me

nothing just $2 poorer

It gives me wiiiiiiiiiiiings!

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