Is Rock Star energy drinks bad for your health?!

Question: ? just wondering? and if so why?

Answers: ? just wondering? and if so why?

absolutely, not only Rockstar, all the energy drinks r bad us. if u look the nutrition facts u will high sugars and carbohydrates. this is why they bad. try splint-off energy pills no sugars no carbohydrates. very effective too. hope it helped


If you drink 5 in a row then yes.

they are mostly just sugar and caffeine.

When you absolutely need such energy then it wont hurt you now and then. But after working third shift for a very long time I was drinking SOBE line, about 2 a day. After a few weeks the energy is no longer noticeable and if you miss a can one day you will feel absolutely exausted untill you continue drinking to get back to normal or quit and your body starts producing the natural energy that was being manipulated.

rockstar has about 3-5 times the daily recomended dose of incredients that spark your energy. they are terrible for you. If you drink one every once in a while its not gonna kill you but drinking several a day is very damadging to your health

They are bad for you if you drink a lot of them. Try to keep your consumption of them to one per month

1. They can cause heart problems because of their high caffeine content, similar to the problems people were having with the consumption of Ephedra and Phen-Phen. Phen-Phen was a diet pill that was taken off the market in the 1990's or early 2000's because it was causing heart attack and death. I believe Ephedra was taken off the market too. Ephedra was Phen-Phen's natural herbal equivalent.

2. Caffeine in and of itself is not good for the heart. Too much consumptions of it is bad. It's not a nutrient anyway. It's a drug.

3. They can cause weight gain, crash and burn, energy slumps, and all the problems that come with consuming too much high fructose corn syrup which shouldn't be in our food supply anyway. HFCS is a toxic sweetener, and it is not a natural sweetener.

4. Manufacturers of these hip soda concoctions claim they put nutrients and herbal extracts in them. So what if they do. Why? Because the carbonation in these drinks kills any effect you were hoping to get from the herbal extracts and vitamins contained in these drinks.

5. These drinks especially are not recommended for children. It says so right on the label. Red Bull used to say the same thing on the label, I don't know why it doesn't anymore.

You may be wondering why, after reading this how food and beverage companies are allowed to make such trash. The answer is simple. They have powerful lobbyists in congress and give bribes to people that makee federal laws and profit at the expense of your health. These drinks are very cheap to manufacture, but the profits they create are nothing short of obscene.

I will admit that RockStar is my favorite, and I've tried them all. There is something about RockStar that has an edge, but I don't obsess over these drinks and I'm not sucked into their health conscious scam, cause they are not healthy.

I have noticed that after drinking them for a while, they don't seem to give the lift that they promise. Your body gets used to them. This has made me more weary of them, because this is how people overdose on drugs. Energy drink sodas aren't just soda drinks, they're drugs.

Yes !! Very Bad !! ''IF'' your a rock-star.. You see what it did to Hendricks and Joplin !!!

It has caffene.

This site will give you more ideas on the affects of caffene.

It can increase your heart rate....just like drinking too much coffee.

There are regulations against how much caffeine can be in a serving, but energy drinks are made with several servings per can/bottle, so it is a little deceptive.

My hubby loves Rockstar Juiced...the huge can...he should only drink 1/3 can, but of course, he drinks the whole thing.

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