What's a good kind of coffee to get from the store that's pretty strong?!

Question: Not too expensive but a good quality and strong?

Answers: Not too expensive but a good quality and strong?

The best quality of coffee comes from not only what you buy- but how you make it. Invest in a coffee grinder ( about 15 bucks) and always grind the coffee beans just before brewing. If you do that, you can get away with a cheaper brand- 8 o'clock coffee beans are the cheapest, and the french roast is really good. For a special treat- you will need to spend some $$- the absolute best is Jamaican Blue Mountain, I wsh I could afford to drink that every day!

Any dark roast - like French Roast. Some of the mass produced brands, like Folger's have dark roasts - I like the "grind your own" stuff.

I like the Starbucks dark Roast.

My favorite is Dark Roast by Peets. Peets coffee tends to be stronger than most. (And its Oprah's favorite :) )

Just a kind of fyi. Starbucks co's best coffee is whole ground as Starbucks brand. Coffee that just misses the mark is sent to Seattle's Best. Rejected starbucks beans go to Folgers. So essentially folgers is starbucks coffee, My sister says she can't taste the difference.

A lot of different types have sample packages you can try a lot of different types of coffee! Also, if you go into coffee bean or starbucks they can usually recomend a good dark roast! Good luck enjoy your java!

Lightnote or Breakfast Blend.

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