Is anyone else allergic to Coca-Cola?!

Question: People always look at me funny when I tell them that I am.

Answers: People always look at me funny when I tell them that I am.

I was talking to a woman that worked at walmart one day (back when I worked for coke) and she told me that she's allergic to basically all coke products. She apparently gets a really awful rash all over her face from it. She can drink Pepsi with no ill effects.

nope it might not be coco cola it might be just one ingredient in it


My hubby thinks he is allergic to Dr. Pepper. He got some horrible headaches after drinking it.

I know my father-in-law gets weird reactions from many soda drinks and other things high in fructose corn syrup. He gets this weird itchy feeling in his ears and other things- i cant remember what else. Try diet coke- see if that reacts bad for you as well.

My cousin is allergic to all pop so i know one person that is.

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