Is it bad to drink Chai Tea Green Tea when your pregnant?!
Answers: I would love a warm cup of Chai Tea right now, but Im afraid it is too caffinated! Please let me know what ya know!!
You might try white tea. White teas are the least processed of any tea and therefore taste the most like fresh leaves or grass. They also have the lowest amount of caffeine and the most likely have the highest antioxidant properties. Congratulations!
I would not over due it. They say you can have 2 cups of caffinated coffee a day when you are pregnant. When I was pregnant I drank mainly decaf but every once in a while I would have a Mocha Frap from Starbucks. So good.
Goof Luck
It very well is too much caffeine. It might not harm the baby but in excessive amounts it could. First check with your doctor. Also there are teas where the caffeine is greatly reduced, see if you can find those and clear it with your doctor.