Which is better and healthier? warm milk or cold milk?!

Question: i just want to know which is healthier warm milk or cold milk
and how do you like your milk? do you like it warm or cold.

Answers: i just want to know which is healthier warm milk or cold milk
and how do you like your milk? do you like it warm or cold.

cold milk is healthier. the warmer the milk the greater chance for bacteria to develop

Cold duh warm milk taste horrible unless of couse you have choclate in it

warm milk is fine. i tend to drink more if it is warm.

i think cold and i like cold cuz when i waz lil i used ta drink mi milk bottle cold it tastes better

milk has puss in it and isn't as healthy for you as you might belive... there is a miracle animal out there that is virtually free if you knock it up take the babies to make more milk/meat machines/ then milk it for the rest of it fertile life then when it's so effin used and abused sold to whataburger...

got milk?

cause they've got your money.

say no to milk
and yes to...

Collard greens
Turnip greens
White beans
Baked beans
Brussel sprouts
Sesame seeds
Bok choy

cold milk

no difference nutritionally.

there is some evidence warm milk can help one get to sleep if suffering w/ mild insomnia.

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