Is it really that bad to have more than the recommended amounts of energy drinks per day?!

Question: Like, I`ve had 8 cans of V in the last 24 hours due to hectic work shifts and exams, and it doesn`t seem to be having a profound effect on me or anything, but heaps of people are really concerned for some reason.. The recommended maximum usage is 2 cans per day, by the way.

Answers: Like, I`ve had 8 cans of V in the last 24 hours due to hectic work shifts and exams, and it doesn`t seem to be having a profound effect on me or anything, but heaps of people are really concerned for some reason.. The recommended maximum usage is 2 cans per day, by the way.

i agree with the others, that could be dangerous. but really youd should'nt be drinking energy drinks anyway...they're bad for you. loaded with sugars!!
try to snack on an apple with peanut or almond butter. apples produce so much energy in your body, more than a cup of coffee too!! get more food into your system, energy drinks can only last so long and it's only based off of sugar and caffine.

yeah, thats pretty bad. your heart could stop. be careful!

That could lead definitely to an overdose of caffeine and/or taurine.

If you need 8 energy drinks to stay awake for only 24 hours, you have problems managing your sleep properly or planning. Since one normally can stay awake for 16 hours(if you sleep for 8), I wouldn't have needed to drink 8. Maybe you're developing a tolerance to caffeine since I'd normally stay awake for 24 hours on one energy drink alone.

Energy drinks aren't good for you. The bad effects probably won't be noticed for years down the road, but rest assured that you'll feel them. Try snacking on healthy foods such as carrots and celery to help calm your nerves.

Yes, I got addicted to them for awhile, thought I could not go without them. They will screw up your system. I would find something different for sure.

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