Are the mexican bottled cokes better tasting then the american ones beacuse of the glass bottle?!

Question: Or because they use real cane sugar as opposed to high fructose corn syrup?

Answers: Or because they use real cane sugar as opposed to high fructose corn syrup?

Both. As far as soda goes it always tastes better when it has Cane sugar instead of all that corn syrup crap. And glass as opposed to plastic or aluminum is an obvious. Look at Corona. Drink a Corona in a can then drink one in a bottle. Tastes TOTALLY different. and better in the bottle. So obviously it is not just the different ingredients but different packaging. Now only if state parks would allow bottles life would be grand. Cant go down the Salt River in AZ with a glass bottle. that sucks!!!

i guess so i hear friends talk about that a lot and they are cheaper

Well, in SC we still have glass bottle cokes, and they are better than plastic or cans. Same for all soft drinks.

totally, the glass bottles also don't leach poisons into the pop like the plastic ones do. Plastics leach psuedoestrogens into the product which has been found to be a contributing factor to breast cancer.

when i went to Mexico i drank a lot of soda and it is definitely better

Probably both. Plastic and aluminum leach out chemicals that can affect the flavors of food items, but, like you said, the US uses corn syrup in its recipe. In Mexico and other countries where sugar and cane juice are more prevalent (and cheaper), those are used, creating a more natural sweetness in the product.
I lean more towards ingredients and temperature of the soda than glass bottling.

I think so, i love Coke in glass bottle

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