What is your fave soft drink?!

Question: Pepsi

Answers: Pepsi


Rocks Organic Blackcurrant Juice -Yum!

Pepis Max

MUG rootbeer

orange juice.

Irn Bru.

Irn Bru

diet cherry cola or a starbucks hazelnut chocolate made with skimmed milk, no whipped cream and sugar free syrup with sprinkles of nutmeg (im on a diet so I try to make it as good as possible)

Cherry Coke

Dr. Pepper :)

Cream soda


Irn Bru.

irn bru

coca cola

Fresca - luv that crisp citrus

dr.pepper/ROOT BEER



ribena,, got to be strong

pomegranate juice

A 'Juice it up' Congo Lime smoothie

Lilt zero

if i pop into a shop for a paper or anything, i cant resist treating my self to a cherry coke...lovely....but if im in tescos say doing my big shop then ill treat myself to a big litre carton of pineapple and coconut juice, ice cold outa the fridge section....lish!

cream soda !!

fanta fruit twist


I am 21 wks pregnant. I crave coke.

At the same time in my last pregnancy, I craved cherry coke.

I also love stewarts key lime soda, Barq's red cream soda, sprite, and root beer.

Pepsi and Coke

cherry coke without a doubt. its lush

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