Does lipton greed tea with citrus...?!

Question: does it count as a green tea that can raise your metabolism, b/c i hate the taste of tea, but i like the diet lipton green tea with citrus... thanks :)

Answers: does it count as a green tea that can raise your metabolism, b/c i hate the taste of tea, but i like the diet lipton green tea with citrus... thanks :)

if it's green tea flavored with bits of citrus or natural oils of citrus fruits, yes it counts as green tea. it's used to mask the grassy woodsy flavor that some green tea has. Yea it's contains the same EGCG and antioxidants as regular green tea.

I don't think those drinks count, except in calories. Check out how much sugar is in that tea. You can use regular bags of green tea and add your own citrus flavor.

It is made from green tea, so yes it can give you all the same benefits. However, because its a premade drink you may want to check sugar, sodium etc contents to make sure there's no surprises.

im pretty sure that it does....but not certain

why does it matter if it's a green tea?

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