What is your favorite soda pop?!

Question: Mine is Pepsi

Answers: Mine is Pepsi

Dr. Pepper
I'm a pepper your a pepper, wouldn't ya like to be a pepper too? Be a pepper drink Dr. Pepper.
LOL old commercial
Lisa B


diet pepsi followed by cherry coke

Coke (the coldrink not cocaine)

Coca-Cola - followed by a good ole RC Cola with a moon pie...

Diet Pesi with lime

I love fanta. Although when I go to America its a more flourescent orange. Still very nice though! :)

Mine is Pepsi too!!

mines too hehe, i like pepsi, and a&w vinella soda

Coca-Cola then Dr. Pepper

any kind of reg. cola.

#1Dr. Pepper (diet or regular) (I like any diet drink except diet Sprite)

coke all the way i just love because its the really thinghe he he he he he

coke cola

Mountain Dew, Do the Dew

Shasta tiki mango punch.

Stewarts Orange and Cream, of the mainstream sodas I prefer Dr. Pepper

Either Sprite, Barg's Root Beer, or Sunkist.


I don't drinnk any kind of regular soft drinks. However, on occasion I will drink a Monster and it is the greatest.

Diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper. :))


I love Vernor's...but how it used to taste, not now, I think they changed it. It used to be really spicy and "different" tasting. Now it just tastes like ginger ale.

dr pepper followed by pepsi

Pepsi of course. However it is even better with store bought ice in the right glass. Best also if cold!!!

Soooo Goood!!!

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