Never buy COKE again?!

Question: just watched a program about coke , 21/2 lts of water to make 1lt of coke , under age children ( as young as 8 ) working in fields cutting sugar cane , some countries if you join a union you are killed , adults working for ONE DOLLAR a day , poisoning rivers that people drink from , i will never buy or drink coke again

Answers: just watched a program about coke , 21/2 lts of water to make 1lt of coke , under age children ( as young as 8 ) working in fields cutting sugar cane , some countries if you join a union you are killed , adults working for ONE DOLLAR a day , poisoning rivers that people drink from , i will never buy or drink coke again

I've just posted my own question about this, the programme is still showing on C4 now I'm boycotting I take it your on board.

Some on the above comments are obv. more interested in what they drink than how others are treated. Some people (shaking my head).

good rant. what's the question?

i think there's prob a lot of products you'd never buy if u knew about stuff like that. Unfortunately in some countries $1 is a lot for people to earn a day. disgraceful but its something that the individual country's government must change.

nope not giving up my coke. Same stuff goes for China but I bet you will still buy products from there.

but it taste's lush......

Well, I heard one time that COKE and PEPSI contained fertilizers
it was in newspaper

Your sentence structure is shot... so it's hard to figure out what you're talking about, much less a question.

I drink Pepsi, never Coke.

Coke doesn't use cane sugar. They use CORN SYRUP to sweeten their product. So there.

I haven't bought coke in a very long time, besides all that above, it has an acid in it that is not good for your body. Cronic drinkers have experienced diabeties, & kindney stonss, as it leaches all the calcium out of your body. I try not to drink sodas of any sort, for that reason alone!

i prefer Fanta, it's orangey and makes my tummy smile. :-)

it takes some where close to that ammount of water to produce a litre of milk.

Well i didnt see the programme, but i guess that everything we buy from the shops has the same type of story, at the end of the day, you can buy jeans from Tesco/Asda for under £4.. it doesnt take a PHD to figure out that someone is getting underpaid somewhere... As far as the age of workers, if this is proved to be true then CCE should be totally ashamed and fix this RIGHT NOW!!

And your point is?
Another large American corporation, ladies and gents. Ethical as always.
The same lot who's parent company (Diageo) brought out a bottled spring water in the UK... which was bottled from a tap in the factory... which was connected to the local mains water supply. Cue a highly embarrassed withdrawal from sale when someone found out.
Incidentally, I drink Diet Coke... no one's died cutting sugar cane for that, now have they?

In this case I would say, the less you know the better for you... if you choose never to drink coke again, good for you (did you know it was also addictive) but be ready to give up a lot of other things based on exploitations and company policies

the labor condition fo some countries is not the fault of the company but the government that not only allows but encourages the exploitation of its citizens. And I bet every one of those underpaid workers would prefer it that way rather than have Coca Cola leave their country and do business elsewhere. Sounds cruel and cold, but welcome to the real world.

what i one person ging to do about it and have you taken a look around if you wear nike addidas gap old navy you are supporting child labour and if you stopped buying things with little problems like that you would have nothing not even you computer so take a chill pill

Coca Cola doesn't use cane sugar it uses Corn syrup. That is one reason I no longer drink Coke. They have denied a child in a third world country the opportunity to support himself and his family. The kid you put out of work by using corn syrup lives in a country where the annual income is about a weeks pay for some Office type....Think about that.

Fanta is made by coke u dumbo

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