What did you order from starbucks today?!

Question: I got a peppermint mocha...what did you get and how was it??

Answers: I got a peppermint mocha...what did you get and how was it??

I got a vanilla bean frapiccino and yesterday I got a hot chocolate. It was so good. The vanilla bean is like having a light whipped shake. Amaizing!

I got a vanilla frappe...

i got a green tea frap

Dark Chocolate Mocha Latte
It was fantastic. Best I've had in ages

i got a latte....it warmed me up (it was cold outside)

I ordered madeleines. They were out of stock. :(

Venti, black.

Nothing , they do not carry my favorite hot tea, in fact no coffee shop does. So ... I buy in online at Amazon and brew it my self
It is better than any coffee, same energy and it is healthy!

Green tea frap, with soy milk

Today I had a Triple Venti Peppermint Mocha! I actually work there, and had the day off...but I still needed my caffeine fix...my FREE caffeine fix!

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