How do you make water?!

Question: YOU don't GOD does

Answers: YOU don't GOD does


Burn hydrogen.

Well, mixing an acid with a base will always make water (as a by product).

Basic chemistry....

A) do a rain dance
B) Melt Ice cubes

A couple of hydrogen molecules and an oxygen molecule.

obviously everyone knows that the scientific name for water is H20. This is also the formula of how water is formed. You must have two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in order to make this work. Both hydrogens and oxygens forms are primarily gas but when these three atoms combine you get one single molecule. The particles in this molecule than have to slowed down from gas form to liquid and then you get water.

squat over the toilet and go

H2O Two Hydrogen and One Oxygen

It's called rain! It comes out of the clouds and gives us water! This is all new to you isn't it? lol, j/k.

you dont. its natural.

I turn on my faucet and water magically appears.

Take some hydrogen and collide it with oxygen and waaala, you have a wonderful molecule called H2O

2hydrogen molecules for every oxygen molecule! H2O! SCIENCE. or you could use your sink by some at the store melt ices

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