Dose coffee really stunt your growth ,if so why??!

Question: I drank coffee when I was a kid and it didn't stunt my growth. I mean, I drank it like once a week with the Saturday morning cartoons. :)

I think the adults tell kids that it will stunt their growth just to keep them from getting too "caffeinated" and hyper. I don't know of anything linked with coffee stunting a persons growth. I'm sure too much wouldn't be healthy though.

Answers: I drank coffee when I was a kid and it didn't stunt my growth. I mean, I drank it like once a week with the Saturday morning cartoons. :)

I think the adults tell kids that it will stunt their growth just to keep them from getting too "caffeinated" and hyper. I don't know of anything linked with coffee stunting a persons growth. I'm sure too much wouldn't be healthy though.

im of italian heritage and drink at least 4 cups a day. I'm 5.5. Which is responsible my heritage or my coffee intake? No scientfic evidence shows that coffee stunts growth.

I have been drinking coffee since I was 13. I have been drinking it everyday since I was 15. I am in my early 40's and 6'4". I don't think that I have been stunted!

Drewsky , son, "it's an old wives' tale"

Scientific evidence on the matter is inconclusive. I gulp down tons of sodas, rich in caffeine, and I'm 5'10, pretty big for the kids at my high school.

There's no study that says that it does, and no study that says that it doesn't. That's the bottom line.

caffeine puts your body in a craze, your body can't concentrate on growing.

Well, it depends; if you drink a very dark coffee almost 2 cups everyday, it can. But if you eat a healthy diet and drink coffee once in a while, I don't think theres any problem to that. Just because other people says they drank coffee and they are perfectly fine does not mean that you will too. Maybe, but don't count on it because it depends on your daily diet.= ]

My Grandfather drank black coffee by the pot full from morning until bed and was 6' 3" so no it's a load of crap that parents tell their kids so they won't drink all of their beloved coffee.

I'm 6ft 2 in been drinking coffee since I was 6

I don't think that is true. But maybe it depends on how long you have been drinking it. My husband was drinking coffee since he was 4 and he isn't short so I think people say it to sound knowledgeable. But you never know.

b/c of the caffefine.....
but its also depends on what else is in your daily diet

No, but if you drink too much, you'll turn brown.
Actually 6 cups a day is max. for your health.

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