Large tea or large coffee?!

Question: tea please, caffiene is bad for you stay away from coffee

Answers: tea please, caffiene is bad for you stay away from coffee


Large tea but depends on what coffee

ooo... hard choice. i'm gonna go with large coffee

Tea...Green Tea

what about a small?

tea is better for u but coffe taste better to me



Tea with two sugars! Lovely Jubbly!

Definately a large coffee,one sugar and milk thanks:)

Both...... ( Toffee )

A large iced tea thank you!

large tea ,just going to make a brew.

Anything is fine to me. What about you, XXXXL tea(2L) or XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL coffee(12L)? finish in 1 minute. Thanks

i have a 1000ml jug in front of me now and in it there are 8 t bags 8 sugars so id say tea lol


depends on my mood, but more often than not, tea.

Strong freshly brewed coffee for breakfast
Weak earl grey tea in the afternoon. Otherwise its water all day


large tea with two tea bags 1st thing in the morning

i'll have a coffe thanks

I would have to say tea because coffee stains your teeth.

2 x teas for me please, strong white - no sugar.

Then all day drink water.

Early evening it's red or white all the way.


Large peppermint tea

Tea first thing then plenty of coffee please.

Large Tea please{ do i get a bikki with that} !!!!!!

Chinese tea AND coffee (I'm greedy!).

Tie Guan Yin Chinese tea.
French roast expresso.

i luv it

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