Running a car on grape or apple juice?!

Question: will this ever over take petrol and deisel as a chosen form of fuel? how manny grapes would i need to pick, in order to drive approximately 15kilometers.? its all up hill....does this make a difference???

Answers: will this ever over take petrol and deisel as a chosen form of fuel? how manny grapes would i need to pick, in order to drive approximately 15kilometers.? its all up hill....does this make a difference???

hahah!! Well, I can tell you that anatomically there is possibly some energy that would propel an automobile.. I could even get REALLY nerdy and physics-like answering this question, but I will spare you the calculus. Basically, anything organic (like grapes/ apples), has a certain amount of energy stored within the chemical bonds of the object... so remember glucose from biology (C6H12O6)... so there is energy between the C-H bonds, the C=C bonds and the C=O bonds, this could be harvested (although it actually TAKES energy to break these bonds initially), and converted to some sort of drive-train. This is REALLY funny to think about in depth because you need to know your weight, cars weight, slope of the road, friction coefficient (see, now I went nerdy physics)... etc. to calculate the amount of energy needed to move the vehicle up the slope. Now, energy... in grapes (lets pick one type)

1 grape = 2 kcals (or kilo-calories = One 'nutritional calorie (C)'

I think it would take about 2,000,000 grapes... but read this website... especially "changing energy".. pretty funny

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