Tea or coffee how do you like it,any preferences?!

Question: tea w/ like 2 sugers

Answers: tea w/ like 2 sugers

I like decaff tea with sweetners.

i like my coffee creamy

Coffee = Abit of milk, not too strong.
1 Sugar

Same with tea. ;)

coffee tastes and smells like crap
and tea i like it sweeet like 5 sugars . . . and then i only dunk biscuits in i dont drink it

tea, milk and 3 sugers and a cup. i'm waiting.

coffee, all milk, 3 sugers, and a cup.

Either one I prefer sweetened.

Tea.....cold Coffee.......hot

neither, i only orange/blackcurrant, coke or water

Coffee with liquid Coffee Mate, no sugar. I like my tea iced with no sugar or sweetener, maybe a twist of lemon.

Chinese herbal tea, the best. African tea is also very good, tried while on a safari.

i like ginger tea

served by a blonde

I like my tea just like my coffee, strong, hot & bitter (no milk or sugar). I especially enjoy this after a (slightly too rich) meal.
I also like it as a snack, and adding no milk & sugar makes me less guilty of having a cookie with the cuppa!

I like orange spice tea, strong with milk and sugar.

and Iced peppermint tea...yum

I like coffee too....strong...various ways.

i like TEA drink like twice a day with two spoons of sugar and sometimes milk if by tea bag... if it isn't then i cook with spices (i would tell u if i knew what they were in English...)and milk after it boils then add milk n be careful not to let it flow over it really tasty

Hot coffee with Irish Creme....Ummm

tea ,a little sugar and a splash of milk


Both unsweetened-sometimes an indulgent splash of cream in my coffee.
Andi, why would you even bother? why not just make hot chocolate?

I like just cream in my coffee, or lemon in my iced tea....no sweeteners.

tea is good pretty much any way as long as i like it, but i like it with honey, in general. earl grey i'm more picky about, i like it with half and half.

coffee...i need sugar in it. i work at a coffee place, so sometimes i have coffee with a little chocolate in it, and sometimes i just have it with a couple raw sugars and some cream.

i take my coffee black.
take tea with a little sugar and milk.
herbal tea with nothing.

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