Does Diet Coke really have no sugar?!

Question: dieat coke gas no sugar, however it uses an artifical sweetner known as aspatame

all yuo need to know about aspartame can be found

Answers: dieat coke gas no sugar, however it uses an artifical sweetner known as aspatame

all yuo need to know about aspartame can be found

yes, it uses an artificial sweetener

And no taste

it cant have or i would be dead by now, im a diabetic and sugar is poison to me


It has a diet sugar--aspertame.

Yeah, it has other sweeteners like aspartame.

mmm diet coke. i love the stuff. i really should be the face of that soft drink.

No just sweeteners, and thats a lovely picture of Dave Grohl, him and diet coke what a great combination!!!

diet coke is sweetened with aspartame unless you get the kind that is sweetened with splenda. the aspartame leaves an aftertaste until you get used to it and the splenda is almost overpoweringly sweet tasting.

yes, it has NO sugar. That is why it is DIET soda.

No sugar...That's why it's so gross

Yes it really doesn't have any sugar, it uses artificial sweetener! They aren't allowed to lie to you about things like that otherwise the coca cola company would be closed down and sued for billions of pounds if they made something like that up! x

it has sugar but its not the bad kind. its "man-made"

maybe, bec it is a diet coke so when they put sugar on it, we cannot call it diet coke bec you'll become fat.

It's what it replaces the sugar with that scares me...

Wee, Dave Grohl <3
I actually see it as quite a pointless drink, but it does taste better than normal coke. Only with ice. ^_^

No soogy, but it is so sweet! Its got aspartame in it.

Diet soda, Coke included, uses a sugar substitute instead of sugar which is called 'aspertane''s a known fact to cause memory loss...
So, sure you might loss the weight but won't know how much because you won't be able to remember where the scale is!
Just kidding about where the scale is but all diet soda will cause a memory loss..

Any diet drink is not recommended for sufferers of kidney problems.

Diet drinks do not contain added sugars (some fruit based ones may contain small amounts of sugars naturally occuring in the fruits).

The artificial sweetners they contain are normally protiens which act on the "sweet" taste buds. Although gram for gram these protiens are as calorific as sugars they are about 250 - 300 sweeter than sugar and therefore diet/light version only have a proportion of the calories that regular varieties have (typically 1 to 4 calories per can as opposed to 200 - 300 calories per can).


yes of course

not sure but i have a teacher who would slup cans of diet coke all day (shes fat) then after wards she would have a bottle of water and a vitamin tabelt and think its all right

to tell the truth diet coke is worse for you than ordinary coke because diet has chemichals and the shugars in diet coke can damage your teeth.

no it has artificial sweetner, so it s atoss up between the sugar which makes u fat and damages yr teeth but is natural or the sweetner which is a chemical and which will damage yr teeth as much as sugar

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