Why are some people so against vegetarians?!
Answers: I don't think people are, but I guess some vegetarians can be really obnoxious about it like condemning people who chhose not to be a vegetarian.
They're eating all the oxygen! Haha just kidding, I don't know. Maybe cause they don't like us meat eaters, and most vegetarians are animal rights lovers.
I love vegetarians! Cows, pigs, fish, they're all vegetarians and they taste great!
Look at "Flexatarian Vegan"'s answer. That's why.
Some just get really cocky...as if being a vegetarian makes them 'better' than everyone else. I understand how being a vegetarian can be very healthy, and plus factory farming procedures are hideously cruel to animals. But on the other hand, meat can be part of a completely healthy diet, and let's face it...meat tastes good and humans are omnivores.
It shouldn't even be a big issue. Does it really matter what other people eat?
Note: I said SOME, not all. The idea of vegetarian/veganism is totally cool and I support those who follow it WITHOUT acting superior.
no freakin clue
Jen's got it right.
I am a vegetarian, but not a vegan, and I feel vegans can be "superior' in their thinking ex-
"cows are mistreated for milk so you shouldnt drink milk".
This does not apply for all vegans as a superior mindset does not apply to all vegetarians.
On the flipside, I feel disliked by "omnivores' who dont understand my choice and thus I need to defend it, which may be mistaken for superiority mindset....
I feel caught in between actually!!!
I eat and drink what I want, and so can you. I dont push my views on you and ask dont push yours on me. It should'nt matter if your a tofu eater or a chuck steak lover. To each his own!!!
Its simple misunderstanding...
Because the fanatics ruin it for the rest of us! Some vegetarians/vegans are very passionate in their beliefs but believe that everyone should adopt their lifestyle.
Because they think they are always right. They try to push other people to adopt their lifestyle, and have a fit when we don't embrace it.
Why don't think that being a vegetarian is the right choice or the lifestyle for them.
Others don't want other peoples choices pushed in there faces while claiming they are morally wrong.
They either think we are nutzo, like the crazy peta extremists, or they don't believe in giving up eating meat.
That's basically what it comes down too, one of those two things or both.
They aren't against all vegetarians, they are against the in-your-face vegetarians that won't shut up until you become vegetarian.
Maybe Because they love meat..and they hate vegetables!
They would likely pick on someone else if it wasn't vegetarians.
Think of it as doing the world a service, you are absorbing all thier hate to make the would a better place.
Generally, i think there will always be haters who pick on people they don't understand, its so much easier than trying to understand or accept others.
Heaven forbid they should actually put themselves in a situation where they might actually question what they do.
I see several people are quoting the mythical "they " again. Does every vegetarian really shout and protest against meat-eaters in public or something ? I've never seen one.
And of course on this forum many people pose as veggies/vegans just to give them a bad reputation. I've no idea why "Jen" woud ever think Flexi-Vegan was genuine.
They don't understand our far superior lifestyle.
no clue, it just leaves more meat for us
probably because most vegetarians- and vegans in particular - get sick at the mere mention of germs.