I decided to go 85% raw vegan and I received IBS from it. Any suggestions or ideas why?!
Answers: Food combining makes it worse. If I only eat fruit alone, or if I eat starches separated from proteins I get sharp pains in my stomach and excessive bloating. I stay away from processed foods. So I don't understand why I'm having digestion problems because I eat a substantial amount of fiber and no refined carbohydrates. I have tried digestive enzymes but that doesn't help either. I would love to hear any suggestions or ideas why this might be happening. Thank you for your time!
dont go off of it! raw vegan is the best diet out there for you. i was once on it too but i have no will power for it anymore. i wish to become one again tho. the problem is, it isn't a single food that causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. It's ANY food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee (even decaf), carbonation, or alcohol. Why? Because all of these food categories are either GI stimulants or irritants, and can cause violent reactions of your gastrocolic reflex. This directly affects the muscles in your colon and can lead to pain, constipation AND diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
you could also be going thru some detox too. im not sure tho. go see a nutrionist or just go to some of those raw vegan sites. go to ask jeeves and type in raw vegan and go from there..wish u luck!
I think it proves that sometimes we are too smart for our own good. Everything in moderation is my mantra.
because you are not eating a healthy balanced diet
Yeah get off the raw vegan diet. It's obviously not working for you. Go back to whatever vegan or vegetarian diet you were on.
From what I've heard IBS is different person to person.
The only one who would be able to assess your dietary needs is your doctor. Before going in, I would keep a food journal, noting the foods you eat for a week or two and your reactions to them down under.
This will definitely help your doctor figure out a diet that meets your needs.
Have you considered if you have a gluten intolerance or mal-absorbtion of the intestine?
Celiac disease Google it
Cook book - this may help
is the answer
There is also such a thing as "too much fibre", if your food intake is unbalanced you will of course have problems, get some advice on vegan meals, there are some good books on this subject. Good luck.