How many grains does it take to feed a person?!
Answers: i want to know beacause of
Heres what you do.
Fill a 1/2 tsp level with rice. Count the # of grains. Use these conversions to figure out how many grains of rice are in a cup.
3 tsp = 1 tbl
16 tbl = 1 cup = 8 ounces
Next, go to your kitchen cupboard and find as many different cereal bowls as you can. Figure out the average volume of a cereal bowl by filling them with water and dumping it into a measuring pitcher. Figure out the average using this formula:
(volume of bowl #1) + (volume of bowl #2) +(volume of bowl #3) ...... DIVIDED BY the # of bowls you tested.
Rice increases 3 times in volume when cooked. Just do the math and you should get a good approximation.
2 if they aren't very hungry.