Why are so many veggies so stupid about food?!
Answers: is that why soooo many of you have gone veggie because you are too stupid to learn to cook properly. The secret reason for being a veggie.
that may be true, but ummmmm how should i put this.... MOST AMERICAN FOOD IS POISON
I am a vegetarian and I am a chef. OH beat that one!
Vegetarian in Navajo translates into "bad hunter"
Don't worry,you can still uck up veggies. earn to cook,visit a nutritionist,get the facts straight first.
Not really. This question looks so ignorant.
you are weird...nobody calls vegetarian's --- "veggies"
You're a bit obsessed about this aren't you?
Why would not learning to cook properly lead someone to be a vegetarian?
I know some great cooks who are vegetarian...
Hmm well maybe, but I dunno cuz I'm not a vegetarian. But still, I'm sure most of them actually care about animals a lot.
dude, i hope some killer vegetables punch you in the face. wtf is your problem, maybe people have a heart and realize meat is murder. Vegetarian's are much healthier, so yeah
you don't like it
I don't care
i was a veggie for 6 months i loved it
i dont know why i stopped....
actually ppl become MUCH better cooks as vegies because they dont have as much variety
so they make stuff and experament
i am a vegetarian. i dont eat vegetables except carrots. so i dont know wat to call myself. meat jus tastes gross to me and looks disguisting. i dont know if i answered you question i hope i helped.
Nope. Enjoy your heart attack and colon cancer.
Whether vegetarians are "stupid" as you say is completely a matter of opinion.
Ethical vegetarians don't want to eat something that was once alive regarding it as no better than cannibalism would be for the rest of us.
Health vegetarians argue that they are healthier for not eating meat and such diets as that of Dr. Ornish validate this, at least for the issue of heart disease.
good question! one veggie freak i knew told me he wouldn't eat meat because of the cruel conditions that livestock must endure...i asked him if he ate fish to which he replied "yes"..later i showed him a fishtank in a market where the live fish were jammed together like sardines..." ain't that cruel?" i prodded...he became confused - sucker!!!....also, my 9 yr old nephew is a veggie..i can't believe it...
mmmmm speaking as an ex veggie (for 15 years) i will have you know that i am an excellent cook and cook 'proper' meals both with and without meals. In fact i think you will find that many veggies are better cooks as they have to be more creative. This was esp true when I began being veggie as none of the soya products were so readily available so I had to get out the cook books if I wanted to eat something more than beans on toast again.
Besides which cooking meat is not exactly hard....
It's a matter of choice; vegetarians are as intelligent and knowledgeable as us meat eaters. Some of my friends are vegetarians, and they aren't stupid. They respect my choices, and I respect theirs.
Why does it bother you? I am not a veggie but live and let live. It doesn't affect anyone else what they eat. Vegetarians cook just as much as everyone else.
so many veggies are stupid about food because vegtables dont have brains.
its sarcasm, for those idiots who gave me a thumbs down. wake up, morons.
The average American mail has a 50% chance of dying from a heart attack.
Cut out meat & that drops to 14%.
Cut out dairy & milk & it drops to 5%.
I am guessing that cutting out smoking & drinking & the odds almost disappear.
Is that stupid, to effectively eliminate the # 1 cause of death ?
lol why are meat eaters sooo fat?
I know how to cook properly but it doesn't mean being a vegetarian is the reason why people doesn't know how to cook properly. The reason is that people like to eat their way. Healthwise...no one like to be obese indulging themselves on their own cooking. One advantage of being a vegetarian is that it's the secret way on living easy...no quirks about their intake. VEGGIE... and it's healthy.!
no, they're just weird. i don't understand why people go veggiterean, its not natural....ya...no clue...
most of them have not had a good sunday roast
Because they don't think logically, they have got a cabbage brain.
No they are probably just against eating the meat of animals. I don't see any point in not eating meat coz its only giving them a lack of iron and proteins and it's not as if people are gonna stop killing the animals just coz of a few vegeterians. Coz then people are killing the animals and the vegeterians are just wasting the meat meaning that there is no real reason for them to be killed!
do you know taht i love new mexico beef?