Is this the right way to go about veganism.?!
Answers: I told my girlfriend that I put my pork sausage into her vegan pie. She wasn’t happy about it, although she did say she enjoyed it. We came to a deal that I would have her vegan pie for dinner every Monday to Saturday night and she would have my meat and two veg dinner on a Sunday. So now, how do I make a simple vegan pie look good and will she have any problems a eating a huge meat and two veg dinner?
I can't believe Ashley's boyfriend is so IMMORAL!! Good thing too... keep her busy with your pork sausage so she won't have time to troll!
Your a ******** with no brain.
Something tells me BSE is alive and well in our food chain
Do you have your own planet or are you just visiting ours?
Hey!!! You Bast ard!!! I thought I was your girlfriend?
how did you get her to agree to that? what sort of vegetain does that!