Meat better than Vegetarian?!
Answers: Give some reasons why a meat diet is better than a vegetarian diet.
Complete essential amino acids from a single source.
Easier access to food. (restaurants especially)
More socially acceptable.
Readily available source of B12 and iron.
Wouldn't have to deal with the V&V forum trolls anymore.
They're weak answers, but answers nonetheless.
some people gain weight when they become vegatarians, because they start to eat more carbs when they cut off their meat intake.
You need meat as much as you need veggies!
Neither is better-it's personal choice. You always get the answer, "meat is yummy" but a lot of people don't think so. Why criticize them for eating what appeals to them?
That's where the trouble starts-criticizing someone else when their choices don't affect you. Yes, that applies to some vegetarians also.
First of all its a balanced meat diet in moderation. And there is not reasons why a meat diet is better or worse than a vegetarian.
Stop making meat eaters look bad..
hmm well i know when my bf eats just veggies like a salad he is in the bathroom for awhile lol
it's not
vegetarian is healthy
Most people don't have a "meat" diet. Most people have an "omni diet" composed of meat and fruits/veggies. Your question is meaningless. Even the Inuits eat berries and root crops eventhough their diet is high in fish and other wild meats. The 20 or so vegetarians here that will post will argue that vegetarianism is healthier. but 85% of the world's population ( about 5.1 billion people) will tell you that a balanced diet that includes meat and vegetables/fruit is healthier. You decide.
Who said it was.............And plus none eats JUST meat people are omnivores they eat both so your question is stupid really
EDDICTABLE. (more cause addiction than sex hormones). The trioxypurine in meat has 3 addictive oxypurines to caffeine's 2 oxypurines (dioxypurine); For someone known biology, warm blooded animal fat contains cholesterol, alcohol, lipid & steroid. Alcohol & steroid can cause addiction.
A SLOW KILLER. (by most critical illnesses which the Dr finally will tell the truth that beware of meat!).
It's not easy for a vegetarian kid live among the meat eating classmates! The teacher will brand her as "not normal" !
Unless you are an Inuit native ... there's no such thing as "meat diet" unless you are headed for a heart attack. A well-balanced, moderate diet that includes all of the food groups is healthier than either a vegeterian, or typical "American" diet.
meat is yummy!
u cant call urself a real man if u dont eat meat... AMEN!