What made you become a vegetarian?!
Answers: Please only vegetarians answer.
my teacher
the fact that a lot of pollution is made from conducting the meat and also b/c we should care about our environments...OUR ANIMALS! most of the animals that are instinct are because we caused it! Many people in the world don't realize what damage were causing....little facts contribute to a big outcome!
Former Veg.
My Mom.
Parents should not force eating habits on Children unless they are not eating at all.
I love my fellow creatures- I couldn't eat them any longer.
It must have been the lobotomy.
Well, i am a new vegetarian...I started reading alot on the internet about how they slaghter animals...It is aweful.
Plus i have always had digestive problems. So, i am hoping it helps to not have all that meat clogging up my system.
I just became a vegetarian 2 months ago. I started reading up on how animals are treated. It is so terrible and I felt so bad about it. I may not do much alone, but I am trying to do my part to help stop brutality towards animals. I read that you can save 95 animals a year if you become a vegetarian.
recently I saw a terrible thing-the thing about the poor ducks ,Marks and spencers.
made me think,and I wont eat meat again unless I know for certain no animals suffered for it.
If animals can live a good life,and then we get meat from them humanely I am O.K with it.
the fact above-save 95 animals .......
is very encouraging.
form vegetarian
when i became one i saw animals getting killed now im a vegan but i became a vegan for more reasons
Hey, Jolie.... you do realize that when you read that on the PETA site it can very possibly be made up, right? Check out my newest question on Y!A.
Oh and for my answer to the QUESTION, lol, I did because I used to have liver problems and I also don't like the idea of eating something that was once alive.
Animals are not property, there is no excuse for controlling how they are born, live and die just for the sake of taste.
I had just gotten my 2 kitties and saw a bunch of farming videos on the net. I questioned why I was eating one group of animals, yet showing love and care towards a different group.
Then I did some research into a vegetarian diet and learned of its health benefits.
So I became a vegetarian. And then a vegan in June ['07].
I felt bad eating meat and saw those awful videos online and became one.
Health and meditation